Oral Speakers
Maria Cecilia Becerra, PhD
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina)
Metallic Nanoparticle-Based Disinfectant and Coating for Preventing Microorganism Transmission
Viviana Cafiso, PhD
University of Catania (Italy)
New Adaptive Strategies of Glycopeptide/Daptomycin Reduced Susceptibility Mechanism, Fitness Costs and Spread Dynamics in VISA DAPR CA-MRSA
Shay Tal, PhD
National Center for Mariculture, Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research (Israel)
Plasmids from marine environments – their environmental effects and their role in dissemination of resistance genes
Peter Oelschlager, PhD
Western University of Health Sciences (USA)
Synonymous Mutations in the TEM-3 beta-Lactamase Gene Increase Post-Transcriptional Expression
Satoshi Nishida, PhD
Teikyo University School of Medicine (Japan)
Genomic characteristics of superinfection with multiple carbapenemase-producing organisms in a single patient
Amir Mitchell, PhD
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (USA)
Antimicrobial activity of host-directed drugs diverges from standard antibiotics
Nathália Cristina Cirone Silva, PhD
UNICAMP (Brazil)
Prevalence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococci from bovine milk and alternatives for inhibition
Jeverson Frazzon, PhD
UFRGS (Brazil)
Emerging Challenges: Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus spp. and Enterococci Isolates from Raw Sheep’s Milk and Cheeses in Southern Brazil
Natália Carrillo Gaeta, PhD
University of São Paulo and Faculdades Integradas Campos Salles (Brazil)
Bats as potential carriers of antimicrobial resistant Staphylococcaceae in their skin: implications for One Health
Felipe Neves, PhD
Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil)
Impact of the long-term use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on the epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae colonizing children in Brazil
Pablo Power, PhD
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Insights into structural-functional aspects of state-of-the-art β-lactamase inhibitors: does the song remain the same?
Gianmarco Mangiaterra, PhD
University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy)
Role of antibiotics and drug resistance mechanisms in the induction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa persistence in cystic fibrosis lung infection
Nicolò Santi, PhD
Unimore (Italy)
BLISS: Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors Synthesised through in Situ click chemistry
Ana Paula Guedes Frazzon, PhD
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
Anthropogenic Effects on the Critically Endangered Melanophryniscus admirabilis (Admirable Redbelly) Toad through the Detection of Multiresistant Enterobacteriaceae
Francesca Paola Nocera, PhD
University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy)
Potential transmission risk of Staphylococcus species from dogs to humans or vice versa
Beatriz Robredo, PhD
University of La Rioja (Spain)
Service-learning project to search for antimicrobial-producing bacteria in soils
Viera Karaffová, PhD
University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy (Slovakia)
Cytokine response of porcine intestinal 3D model after lactobacilli pretreatment during E. coli O55:B5 infection
Salina Parveen, PhD
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (USA)
Antibiotic Resistance and Genetic Diversity of Salmonella Recovered from Organic and Non-Organic Whole Broiler Carcasses on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, USA
Simona Tomaselli, PhD
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR (Italy)
Bacteria as sensors: what NMR detected secreted metabolites reveal about antibacterial mechanism of drugs and materials
Thilo Köhler, PhD
University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Personalized aerosolised bacteriophage treatment of a chronic lung infection due to multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Sara M. Soto, PhD
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (Spain)
Metalloantibiotics against multidrug-resistant bacteria
Alessandro Pini, PhD
University of Siena (Italy)
A novel synthetic peptide against multiresistant bacteria. In vitro and in vivo characterization and preclinical development
Patrick Loll, PhD
Drexel University College of Medicine (USA)
The VanS sensor histidine kinase from type-B VRE recognizes vancomycin directly
Brian Conlon, PhD
UNC Chapel Hill (USA)
Evolution of increased antibiotic tolerance during infection
Debasmita Dubey, PhD
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University (India)
Bio-fabrication of silver nanoparticles using Pterocarpus marsupium: A promising antimicrobial agent for head and neck infections
Mayland Chang, PhD
University of Notre Dame (USA)
Oxadiazoles as Narrow-Spectrum Antibacterials and Spore Germination Inhibitors for Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection
Nicolas Kieffer, PhD
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Hidden Dissemination of Carbapenem-Susceptible OXA-48-Producing Proteus mirabilis
Giuseppe Celenza, PhD
University of l’Aquila (Italy)
Inhibition of the transcriptional repressor LexA: can we counteract the SOS response in bacteria?
Teresita Bello Gonzalez, PhD
WUR (Netherlands)
Colonization dynamics of ESBL/AmpC producing Escherichia coli in Dutch veal farms
Nelson Enrique Arenas Suarez, PhD
Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia)
Evaluating food safety in dairy production from the Sumapaz region, Colombia
Annarita Mazzariol, PhD
University of Verona (Italy)
Rapid identification of NDM-producer Klebsiella pneumoniae hospital outbreak with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)
Atsadaporn Niyomyart, PhD
Ramathibodi School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University (Thailand)
Knowledge of Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance, Antibiotic use, and eHealth Literacy among Nursing Students in Thailand
Marko Djordjevic, PhD
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Biology (Serbia)
Modeling regulation of bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems under antibiotic stress
Elena Buelow, PhD
University Grenoble Alpes (France)
Down the drain? Culturomics, resistome and microbiota characterization of biofilms in hospital sink-drains and their respective wastewater outlets.
Heng-Keat Tam, PhD
University of South China (China)
The promiscuity of the MFS-type transporters and RND tripartite efflux system in drug resistance
Andrei Osterman, PhD
Sanford Burhman Prebys Medical Institute (USA)
Comparative resistomics of Acinetobacter baumannii
Alex Quintero-Yanes, PhD
R&D Project Manager at Syngulon (Belgium)
Multiplexing bacteriocin synthesis to kill and prevent antimicrobial resistance
Ajit Parhi, PhD
TAXIS Pharmaceuticals (USA)
Evaluation of a novel cyclic efflux pump inhibitor (EPI) series in combination with levofloxacin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Alessandra Piccirilli, PhD
Dept. of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences, University of L’Aquila (Italy)
VIM-1-producing S. enterica Goldcoast ST358 and C. freundii ST62 isolated in a single hospitalized patient: a clinical report from Italy
Pedro Teixeira, PhD
National Reference Laboratory of Antibiotic Resistances and Healthcare Associated Infections, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon (Portugal)
Exploring the Emerging Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms: Insights from a Portuguese Open Air Laboratory (OAL)
Miguel Ramos, PhD
National Reference Laboratory of Antibiotic Resistances and Healthcare Associated Infections, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon (Portugal)
Environmental Klebsiella spp. Isolates Reveals a High Range of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Including mcr-8.1
Pamela Yeh, PhD
Antibiotic and temperature Interactions in a warming world
Yvonne Agersø, PhD
Novonesis; Copenhagen University (Denmark)
Intrinsic tetracycline resistance tet(L) sub-classes in Bacillus subtilis group species differ from the plasmid associated tet(L) found widespread in Gram-positive species
Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia, PhD
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
An Ocean of Opportunity in the Era of Antibiotic Resistance
Ohad Gal-Mor, PhD
Sheba Medical Center and Tel-Aviv University (Israel)
The emergence of a multidrug resistant Salmonella Muenchen is associated with horizontal acquisition of the epidemic pESI plasmid
Thomas Matula, PhD
University of Washington, Seattle (USA)
Reducing antibiotic use for abscesses by treating with non-invasive focused ultrasound
Yuk Sham, PhD
University of Minnesota (USA)
1-Hydroxypyridine-2(1H)-thione-6-carboxylic Acid as a potent metallo-β-lactamase inhibitor for rescuing β-lactam antibiotic therapy antibiotic activity in-vitro and in-vivo
Anthony Schryvers, PhD
University of Calgary (Canada)
Targeting metal ion acquisition in antibiotic resistant bacteria from an evolutionary perspective: lessons learned from Acinetobacter baumannii
Melissa Brown, PhD
Flinders University (Australia)
QacA-mediated biocide resistance in staphylococci
Timor Baasov, PhD
Technion – Israel University of Technology (Israel)
Towards Catalytic Antibiotics as a New Paradigm in Antibiotics Research
Samya Sen, PhD
Research Associate (India)
From Venom to Valor: Crafting a Potent Cationic Peptide for Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Defense, Accelerated Wound Healing, and Effective Disinfection
Roeland Boer, PhD
Synchrotron ALBA (CELLS) (Spain)
Structural insights in regulatory mechanisms of conjugation and establishment genes of conjugative plasmids
Nathan Archer, PhD
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (USA)
Host-directed therapies as a novel strategy to treat antibiotic-resistant skin infections
Patrick Munk, PhD
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Geospatial analyses of antimicrobial resistance based on genetic variants and flanking sequence in global microbiome data
Grégory Resch, PhD
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) (Switzerland)
Focus on the production pipeline of PHAGO-CHUV – the Lausanne University hospital phage therapy program
Sarah Seelye, PhD
Veterans Affairs (USA)
Temporal trends in antimicrobial prescribing and the impact of reducing time to first antimicrobials for patients with potential infection and sepsis
Carla Zannella, PhD
University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Italy)
Imidazolium alkaloids from the marine bacterium Shewanella aquimarina and Ranidae AMPs: a synergistic action to fight AMR
Yoram Shotland, PhD
Shamoon College of Engineering (Israel)
The Antibacterial Effect of Monovalent Copper Ions
Jean-Marc Rolain, PhD
IHU Méditerranée Infection (France)
Integration of Enterococcus plasmid containing vanA operon in Staphylococcus aureus genomes: a matter of concern?
Manish Victor, PhD
Institute of Marine Research (Norway)
Antimicrobial resistance in the marine environment: Sources, Fate and the need for surveillance.
Wangxue Chen, PhD
National Research Council Canada (Canada)
Potential host correlations with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophages isolated from early and chronic cystic fibrosis patients
Calin Guet, PhD
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (Austria)
The mar operon: multiple antibiotic resistance or multiple adaptive response?
Magdalena Djordjevic, PhD
Institute of Physics Belgrade – University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Bistability in the regulation of bacterial restriction-modification systems as a possible venue for AMR gene dissemination